torsdag den 19. december 2013

First assignment - Nan and Mia Maja

First assignment

 Made by Nan and Mia Maja

Method 1
163*5.5=896.5 cm (8.96 m)

Method 2
The length of Mia Maja’s arm: 60,5 cm
The length of Mia Maja’s foot to the tree: 9 m
900/60,5=X/60,5 cm
900/60,5*60,5 = 900 cm (9.00 m)

Method 3
The length of the trees shadow: 1847 cm
The length of the stick: 25 cm
The length of the sticks shadow: 51 cm
1847*25/51=905,39 cm (9.05 m)

Diary – Method 1
03/10-2013 10.00 – 11.35 AM
The first thing we did was taking a picture of Mia Maja and the three. Afterwards we uploaded it to the computer, measured Mia Maja’s height and figured the method out. Instead of figure the task out by rule of thumb, we took a picture and figured the task out on the computer.

Diary – Method 2
28/10-2013 10.50 – 11.35 AM and 12.00 – 12.50 PM
We started by finding a really big ruler and measured Mia Maja’s arm. Then Mia Maja walked backwards until the three was completely covered by the ruler. After that we measured the distance from Mia Maja’s foot to the three and figured out how tall the three is. We had a little issue by finding the right formula.

Diary – Method 3
5/11-2013 13.00 - 14.30 PM
The last task was a little bit hard to make because of the sun didn’t shine in a lot of our school lessons. One day the sun finally shined, and we hurried up, and measured the length of the trees shadow. Then we found a stick, and measured it as well. To figure out the task we used the formula h = t x p / s, which we found on the blog. 

We think method 1 is the best because it is the most precise. It was also the easiest method to figure out.

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