Dear Lithuanians,
How are you? My name is Christian I’m 14 years
old. I live in Denmark. In some of my spare time I play football I’ve been
playing football for almost 8 years. I really like sleeping. I have an older
sister but she’s currently studying for a year in England. My neighbour is
Miklas which also in the class. In almost the rest of my spare time I play
video games or eat. I live with my family: my mum and my dad. I listen to a lot
of radio while I’m in my room. In school I really hate German. German is so
boring. I also do not enjoy having biology. Every single morning I ride my bike
to school. I’m a Manchester United fan. My birthday is 14th of
February also known as Valentine’s Day. I’m really looking forward to this
project. Because I think my English will improve a lot.
Dear Christian,
SvarSletYour letter shows who you are which it was supposed to do. That is good.
Remember to read your own text critically to correct language and content (indhold). You end a sentense about Miklas with "which also in class". This doesn't make sense and could have been corrected.
When we work on grammar the next time, you have to fokus on how you can inspire yourself to write more and make sure that your text is built well. Here you forgot a greeting in the end...
You language is good but everything can be improved...