fredag den 27. februar 2015

Reflection of our boardgame

Reflection of our boardgame

The Lithuanian people began to think about what game we could make before we did, so they asked us on Facebook if we had any ideas for a possible game. One idea came up and that was a relay. The group found the idea good, but because it was quit late we decided to talk with each other again another day.

Some days later, we spoke with them on Skype. After a good time of thinking and discussing, we decided to do a board game based on another board that our Lithuanian friends had found. We decided to split the work on the game up, so the Lithuanians did the physical Board and we did the small tasks that belongs to the game. That means when we arrive in Lithuania they have the board and we have the tasks for it. However, because we had to try out our game in one of the seventh graders on our school, we also needed to do a board for the game. That was not a problem and it did not take a lot of time. Through the process of making the game and doing a description of the game, we sent photos to each other via Facebook, so no one did something the other part did not like.
Then the day came where we had to learn our seventh graders the rules for our game and let them try it. The first group we helped was really good at Math, so we did not need to say much before they understood everything, but the second group we came to needed a little more help especially on the Math part.

Our game took quit a long time compared to the others group’s games and all of the tasks we made were the same kinds only with different measures. Even though the students said that it was a nice game, we think that it would have been a little more fun if the tasks were more variable, because we could sense that the students were a bit bored in the end. However, the game worked completely as it should and no mistakes came up.
If we are ever going to do a game like this again we would like to think more creative and maybe spend a little more time on the project, so it is more exciting and fun for people to play.             

By Sarah and Iben

1 kommentar:

  1. Good job. You write some very interesting Things in your evaluation - you will benefit from that when we go to Lithuania.
