onsdag den 4. marts 2015

Reflections on the game. By Brigita and Klaudija

Hello, I (Klaudija) and Brigita with students form Denmark Maria and Mathias decided to make a game. Using Pythagor theorem we created a triangle. We shared ideas how to make the game more interesting. We had a good time comunicating.
I made a game with Brigita, both of us think, that the game turned out to be quite interesting and fun to play. Class eight students from our school tried playing our game. While playing this game, they showed a nice learning progress. At the end of the day they understood the game completely, managed to find a missing line in a triangle. Class eight students were very interested in our game. And now all of them learned how to solve Pythagoras equations.
All in all we think that this game could be improved by adding more tasks with Pythagoras theorem.

1 kommentar:

  1. Well done girls. After the project, I hope you will come to like maths even more.
