mandag den 17. februar 2014

Lithuanian Math game – 5th grades! Jonathan and konstantin 

A deck of card, which is full of triangles, either a ”congruent or a “similar” and then the kids have to guess what kind of triangle it is, by saying it first. For example a 90-degree triangle or two triangles that are 100% similar which is a “congruent triangle. Or two triangle which is of the same shape which is a “Similar “triangle.
When we make it, we have to make a bunch of cards made out of cardboard, and then we have to either draw or make some triangles made out of cardboard/paper that we can clue on them. Then make 2-3 cards, where the text says “Similar” or “Congruent”.

Before they draw a card, they have to bet/guess on which kind of triangle it is. The kids have to draw a card, on the card there is either a “similar triangle” or a “congruent triangle”, and then they have to guess if it is a “congruent” or a “similar “by hitting the card where there the is a card where the text is either “Similar triangle” or “congruent triangle”

Rules and explains   of the game
2-4 persons
Similar triangle: Is two triangles where the degree is the same, but the shape is different. This does not only happened with triangles.
Congruent: where two triangles or other shaped are 100% identical.
The game works as if, before you draw a card, you have to bet on if it is a similar or a congruent triangle and then they draw the card, if they guess it then they get a point, and when we are out of the cards, the round is .  And when we are done, we count up the points and crown a winner.

Day1 ^^-1-14
Today we have found out what we were going to do, and what kind of game we wanted to make, we did have a hard time trying making a game, but now we are good going. We have made some of the cards but we are long from done.

Day2 23-1-14
Today we finished our game, we finally finished drawing on the papers, the papers are full of either “similar” or “congruent” triangles, we find this task very annoying, but we learned something of this. Even though we are not sure what to post on the blog, but we think, it is this. We have made way to many triangles today so we are sick of triangles.  And we have also written the rules of the game. 

1 kommentar:

  1. Dear Jonathan and Konstantin,
    Ok description of your game, in between it is however, a bit unclear what the message is and to who, and in some ways it reflects that you are sick of the game.
    You have to bet on if it is a similar or a congruent triangle and then they (WHO ARE THEY?) draw the card, if they guess it then they get a point, and when we are out of the cards, the round is .(IS WHAT?) And when we are done, we count up the points and crown a winner.

    Be aware that you don't jump in tense - We have found out ( present perfect) - wanted to make ( past tense).

    Long from done is a Danish expression. The Danish "lærte af det" is in English called learned from this - not of the this. :-)
